School Supply Pack Order Deadline for Grades 2-8

School Supply Pack Order Deadline for Grades 2-8

To order your kit online, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the school ID, ALL202 (3 letters/3 numbers)
  3. Follow the directions to complete your order.
  4. Choose the appropriate grade level kit (Grades 2-8 ONLY). CHOOSE GRADE YOUR CHILD WILL BE ENTERING IN THE FALL.
  5. Keep your online confirmation as your receipt. Orders will be charged tax at checkout.
Grade PK-1 Parents: The cost of the pack is required and included in the book bill.
Grade 2 -8 Parents: If you do not order the supply pack, you will be responsible for purchasing the supplies on your own. Supply lists will be posted soon.  


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