Governing Board
The Pastors from each of our six parishes make up the Governing Board of All Saints Catholic School.
- The Cathedral Parish of St. Ignatius Loyola ~ Father Gavin Badway
- St. Christopher Catholic Church ~ Father Aidan Hynes
- St. Jude Catholic Church ~ Father Kevin Nelson
- St. Patrick Catholic Church ~ Father Aidan Lacy
- St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church ~ Father Tom Lafreniere
- St. Peter Catholic Church Catholic Church ~ Father Don Finney (Pastor Moderator)
School Advisory Council
Ex officio Members:
Pastor Moderator: Father Don FinneyPrincipal: Mrs. Jill Broz
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Stephanie Murphy
Dean of Students:
Teacher Representative:
Mr. Juan AscanopeMr. Victor Canales
Mrs. Lisa Keller
Mrs. Jackie Marvin
Mrs. Denise McNeil
Mrs. Becky Miklos
Mr. Brian Murphy
Mr. Amish Patel
Mr. Jim Rabideau
Finance Council
Father Don Finney, Pastor Moderator ~ St. Peter Catholic Church
Jill Broz, Principal ~ All Saints Catholic School
Lori Basile, Accountant ~ All Saints Catholic School
Henri DesPlaines ~ St. Jude Catholic Church
David Walthall ~ St. Patrick Catholic Church
Joan Lawlor ~ The Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola
Bill Alter ~ St. Christopher Catholic Church
John Gorbecki ~ St. Peter Catholic Church
Home & School Association
Pastor Moderator: Father Don FinneyPrincipal: Mrs. Jill Broz
President: Angela McCracken
Vice President: Katy Coffield
Corresponding Secretary: Lauren Milmoe
Treasurer: Heather Carmody
Recording Secretary: Stephanie Loera
Members at Large: Gina Ulmer and Hope Loche